Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How Rocket Stoves changed my life

             How Rocket Stoves changed my life

Wood burning stoves and fire have always had a certain attraction to me ever since I was young. I was always amazed at the bright orange flame or the heat you could feel from it and the comfort you could get at night standing beside it feeling its warmth as you took in the evening peace at night watching the flames tickle the evening shadows on the dark walls at home.

It wasn't though until recently that I rediscovered my inner fire bug laden dormant from my days of old to blossom again in my years to comeas I was now older. I have always enjoyed the outdoors along with bushcraft making fires to cook my meals with while away from home out on an adventure somewhere sometimes far away from civilization or the creature comforts of home.

I usually cooked on an open flame but open fires are hard to regulate coupled with the fact they are really smoky and use alot of wood, certainly a waste in my opinion considering everyone is going green these days looking for ways to conserve their precious resources plus wanting to leave a minimal impact on the environment and to make the resources we have stretch in ways that will be beneficial over time and to future generations.

It wasn't until one evening I was watching YouTube that I discovered the well known but little to me thing called the Rocket Stove. I was immediately amazed at how hot they could get and how much fire they made given the fact that
They used so little wood to operate and to cook a meal boil water in an emergency or to even be used to grill some burgers in the back yard. They where small, made of steel and looked very durable and seemed like a good portable option for a self contained portable means of making fire on the go using some low tech engineering that seemed so simple yet that worked so well.

At the time and to present I work as a welder making all sorts of things having a knack for working with steel and making functional pieces that worked in mine and others every day lives and providing me with an income to support my  family and live the modern life style we all enjoy and as Americans thrive on. The fact being after seeing those little stoves in action I had to have one, but hey wait a minute I thought you could make one, after all you know how to weld and it really can't be that complicated. Can it?

So I set out on my adventure to build my very own Rocket Stove. I had some scraps lying around the shop collecting dust so after my thought and a rough idea in my head I set out to make a basic model. My first stove looked OK and worked mediocre at best but I instantly became hooked on the fact I could make fire in a box so to speak and on demand to. I could now mount a pot or a pan on top of the stove I had just made and not have that huge and messy smoky monster to feed like with an open pit fire making me happier and very content to boot.

 After some time and a lot of trial and error I finally perfected my design ( and an constantly cooking out with my own personal stove in the back yard) but also found a way to make extra money. I decided to start making stoves to sell to other people and share the wounder of the little thing we call the Rocket Stove making the world a little greener and cooler place to make a portable hot flame.

I am currently offering  a large stove model4 that utilizes  heavy duty construction and a 5 inch burn chamber and stands 14 inches tall with a large wood feed opening and sports a 8 inch square cooking surface. To order or for more info please contact Michael @atomicarcwelding@gmail.com